Fried Chickengasm With Morrissey

I’d been curious about a new restaurant right across from Traveler’s called Smith’s Chicken.  It’s a grey block of a building with white letters spelling out, ahem, “SMITH’S CHICKEN.”  Turns out, they serve chicken.  And no, it isn’t owned by a guy named Smith, but rather an artsy Korean dude who loves the Smiths and Motown.

Mmm, buckets of fried chicken.  What could be better?

It’s some of the best Korean-style fried chicken I’ve had (whole bird boned up, not too greasy) and the cocktails were decent.  Also, not many people were there so I figured a shout-out might be appropriate.

And really, how many restaurants in Korea are classy enough to actually play one of the greatest songs of all time?

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2 Responses to Fried Chickengasm With Morrissey

  1. lisamarielawler says:

    I’m a bit late on this. First time in a few days that I’ve been able to catch up on some blogging. Thanks for the info, I live in Daegu too and am always looking for new places to eat downtown. Heading into the end of my second year and thought I’d exhausted the downtown eating out options.Will check it out! By the way, if you like Mexican, I noticed a Dos Tacos next to the Hello Kitty Cafe on Sunday. I’m always on the look out for new places. Haven’t tried this one yet, but the one in Seoul was pretty good, so here’s to hoping :)

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