
Between work-work and getting a work visa to go abroad, my brain and body are pretty much fried. But in an extra-crispy, original recipe sort of way.

So, here’s a band that I’m really liking — F’d Up (I’m no longer punk enough to type out their actual name, since I’m square like The New York Times.) PFM has a stream of one of their new tunes.  And as much as I love their skronk, the lyrics are really great as well and worth checking out.

And while I’ve linked to both myspace and wikipedia before, inviting the obloquy and scorn of anyone with a computer, I shall now do something even lower by linking to a recent Onion article: “Ex-Girlfriend Don’t Want to Speak to You No More, New European Boyfriend Reports.”

Next up: Some links to an informative and provocative political website called “Dailykos.” Or a database of film-movie information entitled the “I.M.D.B.”

It’s the intarwebs, man. It’s the future. Don’t try and fight it.

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