
Condoleezza Rice on “American Realism for a New World” in Foreign Affairs.

Funny how she has so much to say about about Russia and China. Iraq? Who, me? The height of self-delusion, be it actual or an act of simply trying to provide cover for her bosses, is staggering. Read it and weep.

Andrew Bacevich’s review of Robert Kagan’s new book, The Return of History and the End of Dreams, from the same issue, sums up the utter hubris of the wounded neo-con mind in Autumn: “Now, instead of reflecting, forthrightly and with humility, on all that has gone awry since March 2003, the chief foreign policy theorist of the neoconservative movement has chosen to put the war in his rearview mirror. While American soldiers remain stuck in Iraq, Kagan is moving on to other things.”

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